Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The power of small ...

The former CEO of SAS once said "You cannot improve something by 1000% but you can improve a 1000 things by 1%". 1% doesn't look that exhilarating. Most websites/blogs/consultants or coaches will entice you with breakthrough improvement. They promise to bring you from where you are today straight to best-in-class ... The promises are convincing.

But let's take another look at these small 1% improvements. I came across this visual on Linkedin some time ago. Don't know if this is copyrighted in any way, and if it is, credits go to the author ! 1% a day, for one year. Doesn't sound impossible, but also doesn't sound as much of an improvement at first sight. Until you realize that doing this every single day adds up to a pretty huge difference after one year. Just as huge a difference as 1% decline every day adds up to after 365 days.

And I would add that 1.00(365) = 1 ... The biggest challenge for many is that they are stuck in their current mode.They think/talk or find excuses about the changes and challenges around them ... and as times goes by, nothing gets done.

So a gentle reminder that 1% is not that small after all, if only you can keep it up !

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